Saturday, March 12, 2016

In reply to: What Your Schools Didn’t Teach You

OKAY.. So while I was scrolling up and down my newsfeed as usual, I came across this interesting article which was shared by one of my friends under the caption “I am deeply offended that I am being branded as a racist just because I went to Ananda College”. Naturally, I was curious and I decided to look into this article to find out how one can become a racist by simply having gone to a nationality based education institute. After reading that particular article, I decided NOT to share it. Yep, NOT SHARE it because I don’t want to spread the wrong impression about my Alma mater (Yes, I am an Anandian) or any other nationality/religion based educational institute. I simply refuse to share it.

The article, “What your schools didn’t teach you”, was written by a very well-educated girl who has won several awards and is the youngest nominee to something. I’m sorry ma’am, I’m not really good at literature like you. In fact, this is the first time I felt like writing a rant for something like this as a reply.

I shall go through the article by the points she made on her article. 

#1. Okay. She’s saying school is only one step of the way and life does not end there. So according to her opinion, we took only one step in our life for 13 years of our school life. Such a wasted life! But no, I disagree. I have taken not one, not two but many steps during my period in school; big steps and small steps which only took me forward in life and for this reason I am happy and grateful. I am sure everyone else has done the same regardless of whether they were from a Sinhala-Buddhist school or not. We learned how to live, how to love and how to treat people. We weren’t just raised as a biased “SinhaLe” people. Our best friends were people around our school; Muslims, Tamils, Burghers. We were in harmony and none of us hesitated to help another whenever it was needed.

She is comparing the annual Harvard-Yale game in USA with our culture in Sri Lanka. Really sister?! First of all, is it mandatory to import their culture to Sri Lanka? Second of all, when you mature, you will understand that there’s something called perspective. This works in real life as well. You see Harvard-Yale game is an event which ‘promotes a certain culture of academic thought that they collectively take pride in’. There are countries which are in a worst situation compared to us. Think about them looking at us in the same perspective of you looking at Harvard-Yale game. As we all know we are not confined to just football, rowing or any other sport.  Although cricket is the game that takes Sri Lanka around the world, many other sports are also getting popular among Sri Lankans giving rise to very talented sportsmen and sportswomen. Since you love statistics, I welcome you to check how many national players have emerged due to these non-profitable, not so Multi-million dollar sport events called big matches.

Also, why is it wrong to go back to school events or wear the school uniform again? You said that it is demeaning- “ you attend these schools when you are a child, before you’ve matured into an adult: a time in our lives we treasure quite a lot, but not enough to go back to our sports-meets dressed in our uniforms.” School is where you spend your life learning a lot of things about life, it’s the transition zone where everyone gathers knowledge, wisdom and mature through learning; a very vital phase in life! Therefore, in my eyes, revisiting the school, wearing the uniform even after your school days are over is merely a way of showing how much pride you take in having gone to the school, showing your respect, being reminded of all the things that you have learnt while wearing the uniform that has contributed to who you have become today.

Yes it is true; may be only 10% of our annual graduates receive entrance into distinguished universities. Blame it on the Z-score, if you have ever heard of that. Also just because someone failed a 3 hour exam paper, does not mean they are bound to live a low life. Again, I welcome you to google most successful persons in the world and about their drop outs. Everyone has their own talent. Just saying. Because I personally know a few people like that. 

#2. Misogyny? Never heard of that. Let me google first…   Ohh this. I know it! Too bad I didn’t know the exact term. I am not ashamed to admit that I always skipped the English class and used that time to learn something else for life. While googling for that term, I also happened to look up the definition of rape and this is what I found: “Unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim”. I would like to know when such an event happened when boys broke into your school and ‘vandalized it’. If something did happen, then you should report to the police immediately. It is a serious crime. Just don’t take is as a joke like you have mentioned in your article.

I agree on one thing though; no one should be sexually assaulted. Not in their school, work place, public transportation or anywhere. It’s just a rude and disgusting act of cowardness regardless of whether it was a man or a woman who gets assaulted. That’s something I have learned from my school.

#3. I’m not sure about where other schools stand when it comes to this; Men dressed up as women and behaving in a degrading manner. As far as I know, it doesn’t happen in Sinhala-Buddhist school parades. Please fill me up if I’m outdated. But you say it’s an ignorant act of misogyny and transphobia. Not sure where you get that information. Did you do a psychology course somewhere? It’s a good subject; I have always wanted to learn people. I should consider that. But again I know something. Being gay is not uncool. It is just illegal in Sri Lanka. Next time when someone call you ‘Gay’, stand up and say ‘Yeah I’m gay and proud’. That would change the mindset of people who think being called gay is something uncool. IF you really care for it change your facebook profile picture with rainbow filter. Lol.

Back to dressing up as women. GODDAMMIT they are not trying to insult transgender or women! But since I have no knowledge or experience in such things I’m not going to justify it here. *Closing this tab and watching The Danish girl* 

#4. Okay. Here comes my favorite part; where everyone calls Ananda and Nalanda (Mostly Ananda), a Sinhala-Buddhist school and puts the racist card on us. I have a question: Have you ever been to the Battle of the Maroons or are you just using your imagination?  I agree, sometimes these battles do become real battles between old boys and sometimes students. Like our grandparents said ‘Boys will be boys’. At the end of the day they all go out together. Some even go to same work place together the next Monday morning. 

As I have mentioned earlier, we had a good bond with other people around our school. We were surrounded by Muslims and Tamil people for almost 130 years now. So please stop teaching us how not to be racist. We know how to answer when it is needed. We stand for our nation and religion as we stand for other religions. 

At the end of the article you mentioned something about how to raise your kids. Well this is also interesting. The little boy who grows up seeing this culture has two options: Become a part of that culture OR step away from it and be a decent person in the future-just like his school teaches him to be. The little boy has 13 years to figure it out. Let him be. If he figure it out in the right way he will know how to treat women right and how to raise his own kids. Or chose the other way which will lead him to become some ignorant prick who assault women like you have mentioned in your article. This is not a perfect society, this wasn’t and this won’t be. It should start from you first. Then your friends. I guess in that way those little boys will make this society a beautiful place. 

I’ll end this long rant here. I have learnt a lot things from my school and they taught me really well with real life experiences. I guess it is time for you to catch up with those things you missed during your 13 years in school.

We learn what we want.

Problem is using it for greater good.

PS: You should come to Ananda one day. You’ll meet many nice little boys who will be taking the right path under the culture of Ananda. Also I admire your article, but there are so many plot holes, biased and judgmental opinions which is not nice. (May be you missed that lesson during that 13 years)


  1. great reply. My favorite part "We were surrounded by Muslims and Tamil people for almost 130 years now. So please stop teaching us how not to be racist. We know how to answer when it is needed. We stand for our nation and religion as we stand for other religions."

  2. No words bro!!! Awesome answer

  3. No words bro!!! Awesome answer

  4. Excellently Done, Just a perfect answer.

  5. Great reply malli. Appreciate it!

  6. The same school that taught the racists made the whole commanding staff to lead the national forces to win the humanitarian mission which had a critical phase of rescuing thousands of Tamil and Muslim families. Yes sister, it was our old boys from Maradana or parana wadiya, not so posh as your school planned and led an army for the victory. It's not our problem that you have nothing to be proud about your school. Try doing something that makes your school proud and for certain, these articles aren't the ones to do it.

    1. don't think too much matchan, just ignore boys...Different people have their different opinions and trying prove a point which they think right but really happening is they are been just joke to everyone lol gone kello posh wanna hadaddi oho them haha

  7. KUDOS!
    For taking time to explain it all! :D

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'm a Royalist and I 100% agree with this article. Good job. #Respect

  10. Ravindu Ariyawansa, that is 1 beautiful reply mate..!! Couldn't have said it better.

  11. Great article bro. Like you, I also did not share the said article. But will share this. May the blessings of Mother Ananda be with you always!

  12. Hatz off brother. Hashan same thing to your post as well.

  13. Well I am not from any of the elite girls schools in Colombo where guys cross over to exhibit their dominance during the big match seasons. I am someone from a private school which provides education for both girls and boys under one roof. My school days were the best. Something I'll cherish for ever.
    Coming back to Big Match: I've never been inside SSC or P.Sara to witness a big match but I've been exposed to these matches and the culture associated with it way too much since I happened to do my athletic training at the Sports Ministry grounds which is right opposite SSC. May it be whichever Big Match still it was sad to see boys of tender ages getting drunk on the streets and making fools of themselves, mocking and passing comments on every single person who happen to pass by; mostly girls and women (I was a victim myself countless times), and of course the meaningless fights which start with nothing and end with 100s getting wounded and beaten up.

    What I am confused over here is, is this too a part of your 13 year long school education? why did I feel so insecure when I happened to pass through a crowd of big match crazy school boys when I myself was brought up in a coed institution where there were more guys than girls? why did I hear so many sexist comments and why did I have to be the subject of so much mocking when none of the guys in my school ever dared to do so? Explain bro...

    1. Its what you see, rather what your conscious wants you to see, heaps of students, parents and old boys flow through the gates of every cricket ground shading in their own school colors, such a common site during big match days, but its so common that your conscious mind doesn't give a crap about it, it only attends to things outta norm such as drunk people and complete idiots and those you will find all around the country, even if you go to a live cricketing encounter featuring SL national team in Keththarama you'll see similar crappy behavior among a small crowd among thousand, would you notice and tell how good were the rest of the crowd for you? no, you conscious genuinely disqualifies the norm, im not blaming you, its just human behavior, my point being, you will find crappy humans where ever you go, just not in big match, but girl, look for optimism around you as well, when you tend to notice it, you'll start not to unsee.

    2. ^@Lishan here got a point!

      Sexual harassment, passing sexist comments, mocking and assaulting is wrong in any level and should not encouraged! It happens everywhere in the world though, even in well developed countries, during international festivals, international matches, public transportation and I can go on. So not only during big matches. I’m sure as a girl you should have many experiences in that. We should speak up for it. Being silence about it is encouraging it indirectly.

      I’m not saying all the people in a particular group are same, well behaved people. There can be different people within a group of 8000-9000 people right? There can be ass**** who don’t know how to treat a person. But they will learn their lessons during their 13 year long education. Most people I know have learnt their lessons and are well behaved decent citizens who are doing something productive for the society.
      You clearly don’t have an idea about what’s happening inside the big match gates. Read this article to get some idea about big matches and how it is a real deal for people (boys and GIRLS both).

    3. Lishan You can't look at a positive side when you are being jeered at almost everyday when you walk on the road. Yes it happens all over the world. The difference in countries like ours is that it happens everyday everytime you walk out on the road. And people think we should brush it off and not take notice of it.

    4. This is the fault in the system we are brought up in. You are not to be blamed bro. Presently I live in India, a country where violence against women is at an alarmingly high level but the city in which I live (Pune) is much more safe and comfortable for a woman than any city in Sri Lanka. Here I've never been subjected to any cat calling, mocking, whistling and hooting, staring at me when I walk on the streets in a pair of shorts and so on. I am comfortable at being myself in Pune India but sadly in Colombo I am not.
      So agreeing with Thilini I am just a commoner whose fundamental rights get violated on a daily basis in my own motherland may it be the big match or whatever. It is great if you guys could be the forerunners of change. a change that is much wanted in our country, a change in which all human beings are respected and treated alike irrespective of gender, race, religion, creed, language, appearance, physical abilities and disabilities and etc. Big match could be a good start

    5. lol, I never said its okay. violence against anything is bad, but get out the feminist mentality and be a human, talk about violence against all humans, talk about helping others, but here, I agree with both of you, abusing things happen in around around us, I kept that out from the previous comment cuz its a known truth and I dont wanna repeat the truth over and over again, but why don't you take measures rather than chanting in fb statuses and stuff, anyway my point being in my previous comment was that if there are 10 assholes in a specific vacinity, there are thousands of others that would do good on you, that respects, so just see that, without blaming everybody, be realistic, I'm pretty much sure there are ladies who mock, name call, cheat on friendships with other ladies and stuff, there are ladies who would hit other ladies, there are ladies who would backstap her bff to get ahead of her, Im sure you must have got enough experiences from your schools and all. So its about being humane, being a man or a women doesnt matter. And many of you will talk about gender equality in English, they would write amazing articles in beautiful english, for what? to get awards or to share it with the colombo posh crowd. this is what most of feminists in Sri Lanka do, why dont you change it, see, I agree walking in streets in colombo is very hard, that issue needs to be addressed, but I dont think equality is a huge problem in colombo and suburbs cuz you see people from both sexes getting their success in both professional and day to day life equally, but this too is the educated population, so what can we do about the others, what can be do about "tikiri menika ambula genawa" mentality in the rural areas, now that's where we all (both men and women) should address this issue on. Writing amazing articles in beautiful English should change for starters.
      lol, and I'm not saying you should brush it off, if something bad happens to you at roads take action against it right at that moment, without being all adrenaline pumped in social media, act where it is mostly needed. What's the point in all this talk to change the world if you cannot do it for yourself when it is needed, also I'm not talking about helping yourself, but helping others aswell, not only acting in bad experiences. but also acting when kindness is needed, how many of you will help a poor blind person when needed, keep that aside, how many of you will give a seat to a pregnant mother in a bus, cuz all what I have seen in my life was its a guy who always come to the rescue will ladies carry on thier talks about that new dress in Gflok and Kelly Felder. Now you must wonder whether we do this stuff, ofcourse I do, sometimes I even get played in the streets trying to help other people, but still I do it, and I also try to see good in people, (in case you misunderstood what I said in the previous comment). Anyway this last few statements weren't to showtalk myself, but to tell you how much that so called racist Ananda College made me who I am. If we are racists, yes we see only two races, humans and inhumans.
      Again, I'm truly sorry for the bad experiences we all get in your lives, I truly am. And if you think men are only bad, again I apologize for all what those assholes have done. but this is not a fight you shouldn't do alone, as I said earlier, if there are 10 assholes in the vicinity there are 1000s of good people around them. This people are there to help and to get help. When you see that, you will experience that the world isn't cruel as you think. Isn't that the true meaning of equality, joining hands and work for a better world. Many of you still thinks gender equality equals feminism, but the day we all see the positive and work as one, is the day this world will be a better place.

    6. Thanx a lot for taking so much time to right such a lengthy article. But in simple you have missed out my point. I never talked of feminism. I will quote from my earlier reply: "a change that is much wanted in our country, a change in which all human beings are respected and treated alike irrespective of gender, race, religion, creed, language, appearance, physical abilities and disabilities and etc" If you call this feminism you better Google for the definition again. In here I am am talking of "Human Beings" may it be male, female or LGBTIQ (hope you know what that means). Thank you for the apologies, but it's much more worth if you could also play your part in shaping the society too. Like you said it's way better than talking about Gender Equality in English. You are most welcome to join the Stop The Violence (STV) Campaign (quite a few Anandians are also involved with us). We do programs across the Island. Please contact me on facebook if you are interested. Hope to meet you :)

      PS: Gender Equality isn't equal to Feminism but Feminism equals Gender Equality

    7. okay, so I wasn't only replying to yours but I had another to reply to aswell, so I dont need to google what is feminism and stuff, I wrote it a way where I can address both of your replies plus what we see in our surroundings, so its not about you. And no I don't know what LGBTIQ means I'm too stupid for that. Really now? :P and we have played our part in shaping the society, the best way possible, by changing the smallest unit, which as I see is not the family but yourself. And if this STV campaign addresses Violence on both parties yes Im all in for join you guys. But what bothers me is, well yes you see and get crappy experiences at any places you go, but still there is good in people, why can't people see that, why do we complain all the time, see I was a complainer 3 or 4 years back, I put radical status, I wrote pandith posts, but then I changed, Its all about stop complaining and seeing the beauty of life. Again that is not intended for you :P

      P.S - You might wanna watch this video as well :P

    8. Well I agree with you on the point that we should learn to look at the brighter side of things. But mind you there is no bright side in sexual harassment. If we just ignore or keep our voices down, it means indirectly we are encouraging or promoting them. Most of the time (NOT always) it's women and children (both male and female) who are subjected these harassment. As you said there can be only 10 ass***** among a 1000 but that 10 is enough to create a wrong impression and make an entire crowd uncomfortable. There's a saying in Sinhalese which when said in English means " A cauldron of milk is useless even if just a drop of cow dung falls in it" So now I hope you can understand that Thilini is right.

      And please read the comment posted below by a person called "Not simple minded"

      P.S: cannot visit the link you have posted
      Will get back to you with more about STV on fb. Thank you for being interested.

  14. Well said brother (y) @setavya i know you sister , but you are missing many points here so I think you cannot argue much here sorry. You people are speaking without much insight into the facts.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Well said! You get a big thumbs up from me!!
    The part I was very much shocked about in the other article was when she referred to schools outside of Colombo saying : "If even the most well-resourced national schools in Colombo seem to fail at teaching students to think progressively, how can we expect the rest of the country to?"
    I agree with you, she has missed a lot in the 13 years at school.
    Again, hats off to this article!!! Well done!

  17. Well said, indeed. I am from the school which is mentioned in her article and have not faced/ seen or heard a single trucking incident, where girls were 'raped' or 'molested' because, well
    1. The crowds had a hard time climbing over the walls
    2. The teachers went out of their way to keep us 'out-of-trouble'
    3. If they did get through, they just yelled their hearts out and left just before the Police ran in
    Might I even mention that we were always waiting for the boys to jump. :P 04 years since I've left school and I still miss all the March Madness in school with my girls.

    Further, with my Father having attended Ananda College and being highly involved with school events, I had the opportunity to enter those big white gates since I was a little girl. Therefore, I'm sure it's credible when I say, not once have I witnessed any incident which was based on racism.

    Also, for people who don't know her brother went to a Sinhala-Buddhist school named D.S. :P so I doubt she has the right to say what she said.


  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Well said bro!good job...proud to be an anandian..

  20. I'm a Nalandian, but it was a great response!

  21. I'm a Nalandian, but it was a great response!

  22. I'm speechless brother. Perfect answer...

  23. I read the original article in colombo telegraph and this one. I had some reservations on some points raised in the original article. But this so called answer is a vivid illustration that the original author is correct in most of her assertions.

    By the way, I will think of this little more while having a good time in the old boys' tent, next Saturday.

    1. Sorry I had to delete your previous comments because it was spamming.

      Would you like to elaborate your comment about how original author is correct in most of her assertion? and how this article is a vivid illustration of that?

      OF COURSE Let's have a good time this year..

    2. If I may elaborate... (I am from a 'brother' school but left in 1985). I have had many opportunities and good friends (and relatives) from Ananda and Nalanda, etc). Ananda/Nalanda are not 'Sinhalese Buddhits schools' - at least before I left Sri Lanka... I knew many Christians and Muslims who studied there... but read on...

      I don't live in Sri Lanka anymore...

      I understand where Thisuri is coming from and also where the 'opposition' is coming from.

      Since the 'winning' of the war Sri Lanka has become an 'immoral' society and also on the path to 'extremism'. Sri Lanka survived the war at a great cost and we STOOD ALONE AGAINST THE WHOLE WORLD. It is NOT only the Buddhists, but Christians, Muslims (moderate/non-LTTE Tamils) all showed the world that the LTTE's claim that Sri Lanka was an extreme Sinhalese Buddhist nation is FALSE. The Sinhalese Christians were/are the BEST defense against the LTTEs claim.

      I know, personally, that Thisuri paid a huge price for the War. Many who are criticizing her don't know exactly the price Thisuri paid, while the Colleges', Convents' and Schools' principals used it as an opportunity to CONTROL the parents (get more donations) and pupils, and NOT DELIVER RESULTS!

      All of you are able to 'parade' today because of families like Thisuri made BIG sacrifices, my good friends alive and dead, people like me with International connections (I was responsible for getting a US/Indian reporter out of Sri Lanka in 1994 when he was doing nothing but try to kill Sri Lanka's Tourism industry). I am still doing my bit...

      It was NOT Rajapakse who won the war, it was Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe (from 1993 he made it his priority to defeat the LTTE at the expense of his OWN political career) with his probationary (parivasa aanduwa of 2001/2002) that showed the USA without ANY DOUBT that the LTTE was NOT interested in even a separate state - they were nothing by extortioners (kappam takers) and murderers).

      Even to date, the remnants of the LTTE are still trying to start the War in Sri Lanka. Many Tamils (and Sinhalese/Muslims/Burghers too) living abroad (and in Sri Lanka) suddenly became POOR after 2009. There is a good possibility that there are 'political' parties in Sri Lanka who would love to have another war, bring back the road-blocks and practice their extortion and corruption.

      So, after winning the War there are (the same or other) 'parties' trying to make Sri Lanka an extremist buddhist country while others are killing Sri Lanka by making the (Sinhalese) youth IMMORAL! It is a two pronged attack on Sri Lanka!

      Whichever way, Sri Lanka may have won the war but the country is losing....

      This is what an inexperienced, young, writer like Thisuri, who EXPERIENCED THE WAR first hand, and has seen the world, is trying to convey.

      It is not about silly, big match parades and those who want to live the 'glory days' of school... Don't you think it is funny when (unfit) middle aged women still run at the 'school sports meet?'

      So, give the kid a break, she means well and has done more for Sri Lanka than the 'armchair and big-match' soldiers who are criticizing her articles!

      Good luck to all and Sri Lanka.

    3. I’ll keep my reply short. Don’t want to drag this further.

      First of all let me make it clear about the Ananda Nalanda being Sinhala Buddhist schools. These two schools were established by Col. Henry Steel Olcott. He was a Christian and later on he became a Buddhist. I’m not going to explain his story here but if you do some googling you can find it. His intention was to create a school to teach English for Sinhala Buddhist children. He saw it was a necessity to fill up. That way they could stand up against the Englishmen who were trying to destroy the Sri Lankan culture and Buddhism with solid arguments. There were few Muslim, and Christian students in Ananda and I agree with you in that part. I’m pretty sure there must be few even now.

      I do not wish to talk about racism, politics or WHO WON THE WAR here. Also I have no knowledge about Thisuri’s family background. Therefore, I won’t make a comment there. But all Sri Lankans including me owe to the families that made sacrifices during the last 30 years of war. Also I would like to remind how we went to Ananda during the last few years of war. The army patrols, every morning army checking, soldiers on the roof of buildings, explosive searches and everything. We weren’t allowed to go out of the school as soon as it’s finished. We had to go as small groups because of the bomb threats we had. People who were there during those years know the situation we went through. It was a terror time for every Sri Lankan. That’s what everyone had to go through.

      As we all know YES there are people out there happy to see Sri Lanka at war. And yes I know there are people who tries to divide Sri Lankans depending on their race. What I don’t understand is why are you dragging all that in to this article? Which was merely a reply Thisuri’s article about ‘glorious’ big matches. But it’s okay. Here I am writing a reply for you. After the war Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksha removed all the barricades, road blocks, and even the walls of police stations. Making this country more beautiful without borders. But if you come to Sri Lanka now you can see how bad it has become in the past several months. So yeah. We won the war but the country is losing…Again.

      You end your comment coming back again to Thisuri’s article. I’ll do the same. She’s an inexperienced, young writer and so am I. Compared to her, I have no experience at all. But we know what we write should have solid facts and evidence and should not be biased. Or else that’s just trying to get the attention using something, anything! People get offended for false criticism like that and response. It’s only natural.

      You think unfit middle aged women still run at school sports meet is funny? Never seen teacher’s big matches? Never seen teachers events at sports meet? I bet you laughed at your own teachers then. That is not something nice to do, sir. No matter how old I get or how unfit I am, I would still love to run with my friends again, I would still love to go experience that school time again with my friends. I think girls must have the same feeling.

      Yeah let’s give the kid a break, to learn what her schools did not teach her or what she missed during 13 years of education.

      Good luck to you too and please come visit Sri Lanka one day

    4. Good response (I also said the same: Ananda/Nalanda are NOT Sinhala Buddhist schools - during the early 80s I was 'in-and-out' of Ananda/Nalanda...). My comment about the 'middle age' was about past pupils trying to live the 'glory days' and not doing anything 'constructive' (and the powers use it to CONTROL them - I am sure you have batch mates, friends or family who are Psychiatrists/Psychologists - you may show them my comment - they will be able to elaborate on it - about how the tactics the 'elite/in-power' use to control the masses).

      So, it seems we are all on the same page... lets make Sri Lanka better. I have written (to) the Hon. Prime Minister and His Excellency and asked them to continue the good things MR did. This is the problem with Sri Lanka, every successive government stops the good the previous government did (In hindsight, I see now that the 1972 to 1977 government was that best government Independent Sri Lanka ever had).

      I will make an appeal to you (I have a lot of respect for your school): Please make sure Sri Lanka does not go the 'Extremism' route, and you (like Thisuri) have the power of the 'pen'... use it yo educate the people - it seems to me that you and Thisuri are on the SAME SIDE - On the side of Sri Lanka. I encourage you to get to know Thisuri and become a team.

      What I say has EVERYTHING to do with Thisuri's article... She is unable to put the 'finger on it'... I was like that 30 years ago... even today, I have problems with getting my point across, sometimes.

      The Sri Lanka race survived the LTTE war, but will we survive the Immorality war?

      I encourage you to meet or write to Mr. Wickramasinghe and bring your perspective/grievances to him. JR had a good team, the only one left is Ranil - Talk to him, he will listen!

      I hope, one day to see people like you and Thisuri in government or in policy planning!

      Good luck!

  24. Great Article brother!! Though I'm not an Anandian nor Nalandian, the points you have mentioned is absolutely correct

  25. Thisuri's article takes a lot of guts for a 24 year old to write. The replies also seem to be from the same age group. I don't live in Sri Lanka and I left 'college' in the 1980s. There is a lot to say for Tradition and I am NOT against it. But, I believe Thisuri is 'trying' to caution about 'maximizing' the pleasure.

    I the country I live in now, I see many of my batch mates and school mates still trying to live the 'glory days'. But, what they fail to see is that they have NOT moved on and that brings GREAT DISREPUTE to our motherland. We also seem to fight our wars here. The Tamils LOVE TO show Sri Lanka in a 'bad-light' too. So, when the 'natives' meet me they are surprised that Sri Lanka is not a 'gutter' country, even our ambassadors behave like 'beggars'.

    So, Thisuri may have got a few points 'skewed', but her intention is honorable. Just like MOST (if not all) responses, her article seems to be a bit immature... but she is only 24 years old (just like the respondents). Give her another 10 to 15 years...

    LET US NOT FORGET. SRI LANKA STOOD ALONE DURING THE LTTE WAR. IT TOOK 9/11 and Ranil Wickramasinhe's prabationary government and 'cease fire' to show the world that the LTTE was nothing but a bunch of extortioners (kappam takers) and murderers! We finally have Mr. Wickramasinghe in power with His Excellency Maithripala Sirisena. I believe they are trying to restore moral values in Sri Lanka. I have worked for Mr. Wickramsinghe (briefly) in the early 90s. If the two of them can't fix Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka is doomed! Morality is the first step to fixing any nation.

    After the War, Sri Lanka became a country of 'Wine, Women and Song', it seems. This is probably what Thisuri sees. Sri Lanka is losing it moral values at an ALARMING pace!

    So, we may have won the war, but our lack of Morals show that we are LOSING THE COUNTRY! Very soon, Sri Lanka will have a NEGATIVE population growth, guess which race it will be!!!

    All the 'major schools' seem to have a couple of things in common. Their new entrants are based primarily on the 'donation' the can get. The going rate is Rs. 500,000 (5 Lakhs - as of January 2016) + Bribes to the office members (not to mention the cost of 'address fixing'). So, the cost is around Rs. 1 Million. And, as I have seen, they 'promote' the big match parades and functions as a 'promotional gimmick' to further their 'donations' goal and DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT MORALITY AND EDUCATION!

    I believe I have made my point, I will end with a quote from my favourite singer from his most successful album:

    'glory days, yes they'll pass you by, in the wink of a young girls eye..' - Bruce Springsteen, Born in the USA. { I would like all of you to listen to it and replace 'baseball' with 'cricket/rugby'}.

    Good luck to all of you - remember not to oppose or support something BLINDLY. Thisuri had the courage/guts to write the article and I can 'understand' where she is coming from - but it seems to me that many are taking it personally and defending themselves. I wonder if the 'donation club' is behind the 'attacks' :)

  26. Um not a big fan of ananda. But have to admire this simply because all the facts in this article are true. How can someone judge a person without even knowing that person. And 'boys will be boys' #peace

  27. Love the article and perfectly done.. someone need to pay me for the baby photo at the end though :-)


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